Slide Terms and Conditions​

Our aims: We aim to provide a high quality service which meets the needs of both parents/ Carers and children. For parents/ Carers, this means knowing that your child is cared and kept safe from harm. For a child, this means an environment that is safe, supportive, encouraging, nurturing, a place to be with friends and make new ones, try out new activities, to relax, to have fun and enjoy. Parents/ Carers are expected to give their support and encouragement to the aim of Mentors ASC and to uphold and promote its good name. Mentors ASC will ensure that appropriate standards of behaviour, discipline and hygiene are maintained.

Sickness :Parents/ Carers must inform Mentors ASC if the child has any known medical condition or health problem or has been in contact with infectious diseases. Parents/ Carers must comply with the exclusion guidelines set by the Health Protection Agency; details are available from the school office. A child must not be brought to Mentors ASC if unwell.
Parents/ Carers authority: Welfare of the child: The Parents/ Carers authorise Mentors ASC to take all necessary action to safeguard and promote the welfare of the child. Parents/ Carers consent to use such physical contact with children as may be lawful, appropriate and proper to provide comfort to a child in distress or to maintain safety and good order.
Parents/ Carers consent also to emergency medical treatment, including surgery and/or general anaesthetic, if certified necessary by a doctor and if Parents/ Carers cannot be contacted on the emergency numbers provided in time.

Absent Children: It is the responsibility of the Parent/Carer to sign their child out at the end of the session; children must be collected via the main school office.
Accidents: All accidents, that staff are made aware of, are documented in an accident book and reported to Parents/Carers.
Loss of property: Mentors ASC will not be liable for loss of property brought onto the premises by Parent/Carer or child.

Timings: The Mentors ASC will run from 04:00 PM to 07:00 PM during the week and 11:00 AM to 04:00 PM over the weekend. We are closed on Bank holidays. You will be provided with the time table on quarterly basis.
Fees: At Mentors ASC, it is crucial that pupils attend for a number of sessions before good progress is made. For this reason, parents/ guardians will be required to pay for four weeks in advance. Sessions that are missed are non-refundable. This is to encourage regular attendance and to ensure that your child gains maximum benefit from the programme of study that Mentors ASC offers. You are not subject to any long term contract; you only attend for as long as you are happy. Should you decide to leave, 2 weeks’ notice is required. Payment can be made via cheque, cash, on-line banking or direct debit.
Refunds: Mentors ASC does not issue cash refunds. Overpayments will be carried on your account and credited to future payments. All reimbursements or refunds must be arranged with your provider.
Late Fees: A late fee may be assessed by your provider to your account if any payment is not posted by the payment due date.
Follow-up Service: In the event that your account becomes delinquent, Mentors ASC charges a fee in addition to your tuition’s late fee for following up with you when your account is past due. Mentors ASC reserves the right to contact you weekly via mail, telephone, or e-mail until you pay the past due amount.

Termination of the Contract: One month’s written notice must be given to cancel a child’s place at Mentors ASC.

Removal: Parents/ Carers may be required to remove the child temporarily or permanently if the conduct of the child is unacceptable and it appears to the Director that the continued presence of the child is incompatible with the interests of other children. The child will also forfeit their place if the parent is persistently rude to staff.

Disclosures: The Director must be notified in writing immediately of any changes in contact details or family situations, Court Orders or situations of risk in relation to the child for which any special precautions may be needed.
Child Protection: The Director has a duty to report any significant concerns s/he might have about the safety/well-being of a child to Social Services.

Confidentiality: Parents/ Carers agree to inform Mentors ASC of any information necessary to safeguard or promote their child’s welfare or avert the risk of harm to their child or other person. Mentors ASC staff will be informed of sensitive issues concerning the child on a ‘need-to-know’ basis.
Learning/Physical Difficulties: Parents/ Carers should notify Mentors ASC of any problems that may occur due to learning/physical disabilities.
Equal Treatment: Mentors ASC welcomes staff and children from any different racial/ ethnic/ language groups, genders, family backgrounds and creeds. We are open for all children from the age of 8-18 years. Similarities and differences are valued and respected and all children are treated equally. Mentors ASC will comply with the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 and will do all that is reasonable to accommodate the needs of children with disabilities.
Discipline: The Parents/ Carers hereby confirm that they accept the authority of the Director and staff to take all reasonable disciplinary or preventative action necessary to safeguard and promote the welfare of each child and the Mentors ASC community. We will closely monitor child’s behavior to minimize the risk of bullying in order to safeguard the children.
Severe weather: In the event of Mentors ASC’s closure due to severe weather Parents/ Carers will be informed via via the email system. A refund of session fees would be made under these circumstances.
Insurances: Mentors ASC undertakes to maintain those insurances which are prescribed by law.
Complaints: Parents/ Carers who have cause for complaint in relation to any matters of quality, safety or care must inform the Mentors ASC Director. The Complaints Policy is available from the school office. You can convey your concerns to Ofsted anytime. Their email address is Ofsted complaint procedure is available at

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